We have seen outrageous pro-Hamas demonstrations on numerous US
campuses. Most striking were students at some of the highest-priced
schools marching and screaming the genocidal slogan “From the River to
the sea-Palestine will be free”.
In a recent op-ed article in the WSJ, a UC Berkley professor, Ron Hassner,
commented on his recent survey of a few hundred US students from across
America, who were enthusiastic supporters of this odious slogan.
Not surprisingly, the survey revealed, that a large percentage of these
students were completely ignorant of even the basic facts surrounding the
Gaza-Israel history.
Many thought that Yasser Arafat was the president of Israel! Very few had
any idea what river (some named the Euphrates or Nile) and did not
understand the implication of wanting a Free Palestine “from the river to
the sea”. Once shown a map of the region and explained that it meant the
eradication of Israel, close to 70% rejected the mantra.
The survey commissioned by the UC professor revealed the colossal
ignorance of students in our “Ivy’ schools. We expected more. However, it
appeared, that even a modicum of education went a long way.
Colleges and universities blatantly refused to offer Jewish students any
protection from the menacing hordes who surged, screaming “Death to
Israel. Jewish students were forced to escape and seek shelter from the
menacing and dangerous mobs. No wonder why so many Jewish students
complain of feeling unsafe on the campuses. This type of hate is directed
at the Jewish students alone.
Can one imagine crowds surging in a university screaming “Hang blacks
from every tree” or “Kill LGBT people” that would have required ‘context’
to be condemned? Screaming “Gas the Jews” however, is ok.
The soothing promises made by universities to provide a “safe and
nurturing environment” quickly evaporated as spineless university
presidents hid behind false First Amendment issues that they applied
selectively to attacks against Jews or conservatives and all those who do
not fit the progressive narrative. All students, including Jewish ones,
deserve a safe and protected university atmosphere that allows them to
thrive without threats.
At a congressional hearing looking into the rise in antisemitism on college
campuses, the presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and MIT equivocated when
asked to define what constituted hate speech that would breach the
school’s code of conduct. “Calling for the death of Jewish students is hate
speech at Harvard- Yes or no”? President Gay was asked. She offered an
astounding answer “It depends on the context”. When asked if she thought
a call for the hanging of Black people, would be tolerated and protected as
“freedom of speech” she refused to answer.
Her lack of resolve regarding Jewish students is all the more troubling in
light of the strict code that punishes any Harvard student who addresses a
student by the wrong pronoun. (God forbid). But advocating a Jewish
student’s death “depends on the context”!
After their shameful performance, there was a national outrage. Calls for
their resignation or firing followed. The next day a massive attempt at
damage control followed by all three. After much thought and
contemplation, they agreed, that, yes calling for the genocide of Jews may
constitute punishable hate speech. Students may be expelled. But what
took them so long?
It begs the question did they not know they would be asked such
questions? Why did they need a 48-hour period to be coached into the
correct answer?
And if students could be expelled for urging the death of Jews, shouldn’t
presidents face expulsion for failing to condemn it?
Even young children learn in civic classes that freedom of speech is not
absolute. It does not assure anyone the right to threaten others. If ever
there was an example of “screaming fire in a crowded theater” this is it.
Freedom of speech has exceptions to it. Threatening others with death is
surely one of them.
My Holocaust survivor parents often warned me saying “It could happen
here, even in America.” Looking at the surging crowds surrounding Jewish
students threatening them and forcing others to seek shelter behind
locked library doors, I began to wonder if the time they warned about had
When I attended college in the 70’s, there were similar threats against
Jewish students. Many learned karate and other self-defense techniques
and fought back. Has the time arrived for our students to similarly protect
With the rise of anti-Jewish threats sweeping across the USA, synagogues
have enlisted armed security teams to defend the members. Some shuls
hire professional guards consisting of retired and off-duty police officers.
But many others invite members from their own congregations, trained
and licensed to carry firearms, to stand guard. I feel more secure when I see
my fellow shul goers armed and standing guard at the doors.
This wave has produced a sharp spike in applications for gun permits
across the country, with gun stores reporting a brisk sale of firearms to
Jewish customers.