As we reflect 75 years after the end of World War II, we have much documentation about great resistance to the Nazis in many countries.

My Hungarian parents were both survivors of Auschwitz. I heard their stories often while growing up. I never asked, but always wondered why there was no resistance. Why did 600,000 Hungarian Jews go “like sheep to their slaughter?”
As we reflect 75 years after the end of World War II, we have much documentation about great resistance to the Nazis in many countries: Poland, France, Belgium, Greece, Albania and more. From Britannica to Wikipedia, there are long lists. But Hungary is missing.
In fact, there was resistance in Hungary, as I discovered in my research for Recipes from Auschwitz, a book I wrote. I came across Brothers for Resistance and Rescue, by David Gur, a Hungarian Jew who was part of the Resistance. Rafi Benshalom, another leader, also described the resistance movement in We Struggled for Life.
I met with Gur in Israel and was inspired to learn more.